Manage Your Search Subscriptions and Notification Preferences

You can manage your Search Subscriptions at any time, such as changing notification frequency, sharing your search with others, and updating your search filters. Here's how!

Access Your Search Subscriptions

To access your search subscriptions, select the menu button in the upper right corner and choose 'Searches', or click here.


This will open your Search Subscriptions dashboard.

Options are included to the right of each saved search, allowing you to quickly adjust the notification frequency, share a link to the search, or remove it altogether. 


Notification Frequency

When subscribing to a search, you have the option to sign up to receive email notifications when listings meeting your search preferences are added, change in status or price, or are having an open house. 

You can update the frequency of those notifications at any time by adjusting it in the Search Subscriptions list.

Here is what each frequency option means, including some helpful tips on choosing the right one for you:

  • Instant: The moment when one of those changes happens, you will receive an email notification.  As listings constantly update, you may receive multiple emails per day.  This is a GREAT option for today's competitive housing market if you're a serious buyer and are ready to purchase right away.
  • Daily: The daily option will provide you with a daily summary of all of the activity changes of what happened the previous day.  This is a great option if you're definitely looking to purchase a home but maybe aren't in as big of a hurry to do so.
  • Weekly:  The weekly option provides a weekly roll-up of the activity changes that happened that week.  This is a good option if you're looking to purchase in the upcoming months but are still getting a feel for the housing market.
  • Monthly: Monthly is a great option if you're either a casual buyer or are simply watching the housing market trends. 
  • Never: Select this if you do not wish to receive email notifications for that search, but want to keep it in your Search Subscriptions list for quick access. You can select that search in your Saved Subscriptions list at any time to view those latest listings, without having to re-enter your search filters and preferences each time.

Share Your Search

Quickly share your custom, saved search by clicking on the 'Share' arrow to the right in the Search Subscriptions list, and copying/pasting the URL in your emails, text messages, and more!


Delete Your Search

Want to delete one of your save searches? No problem!

Click the "x" button to the right of the search in your Search Subscriptions list. This will also unsubscribe you from any email notifications associated with that search.

Tip: As mentioned, if you only wish to stop receiving email notifications about a search and want to keep that search saved for quick access, simply change its notification frequency to "never".


Update Your Search Filters and Preferences

Once you’ve saved a search, you can update and make changes to it anytime. It's easy!

  • Locate and click on the name of that saved search in your Search Subscriptions list.
  • After the search loads, apply your desired changes (e.g. add/remove filters, add additional search locations, etc.).
  • Once you are satisfied with your changes, located the "Saved" dropdown menu in the upper right, and select "Save Changes".


What Does the Email Notification Look Like?

Here's a sample!
